March 26, 7pm @ The Church
All Adults are invited to GAMES NITE!
Bring your favourite munchies, pop, or a snack to share, ( think easy clean-up though!) The Church will have coffee & tea on.
Don't Forget your favourite Group or Board Game!
Childcare will be provided for this evening***this will only be for this Games Nite only, due to special circumstance*** $2.00/child please, all money will go to our youth program. Please note nursery & childcare for young children only.
There will be NO organized actvities for older children or youth. YOUTH ARE ENCOURAGED TO HELP WITH CHILD CARE.
Older Teens ACCOMPANIED by their parents are welcome to join the games!
Any youth wishing to help with childcare pleaase contact Gena @ 780-801-0892
If you have any further questions please, or would like more information please contact Gena.