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Family Christmas Party

Posted on Wed, Nov 30, 2011

Sunday December 18th @ 5pm

Join us at the Church, Sunday December 18th starting at 5pm as we celebrate Christmas together with a Great Dinner, Christmas Music, & a whole lot of Fun! 

Tickets are only $2.00 each & are available at the Welcome Centre Sunday's after the Worship Service, or through the Church office Tuesdays -Thursdays.

Please purchase your tickets as soon as possible as this really helps in planning for how many will attend...we want to make sure we have enough food for everyone!

Proceeds from the ticket sales will be donated to The Morinville & District Christmas Hamper Campaign.

Your friends, neighbours & family are welcome to join you for the party!!

If you would like to help in some way as we work together making this celebration a sucess, please click on "Serving Opportunities" in the link bar...we would love to have you involved!

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