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Just a little something

Posted on Thu, Nov 6, 2008

A few days ago the school called me because Lauren had a tummy problem. Once I spoke with Lauren over the phone I soon realized that all was fine and that she just had a case of the nerves so once I got back on the line with the secretary she jokingly said gee do you think you can handle my next problem? I asked her what it was and she told me that a little guy in grade two had had an "accident" and that there wasn't anyone answering the phone at home so they couldn't get him a change of pants. I was at home just finishing my lunch so I told her that I'd pop over with something. I stopped at Fields store and picked up two pair of jogging pants in different sizes seeing as I had no idea what size he might wear. I dropped them off at the school and felt so good knowing he would not have to sit in smelly pants the rest of the day. The asked what they owed me but I smiled and ran out the door waving goodbye.

I am really not comfortable with thank you's and what not. I do what I do because it makes me feel good knowing I helped if only a little bit.

   Discussion: Just a little something
Pastor Lewis · 16 years, 4 months ago
Isn't that just a great story. Way to go. That is the spirit of BARNABAS! Which is the spirit of Jesus Christ. "I came not to be served, but to serve" said Jesus. I can just imagine how the little guy felt. Also I can just imagine the talk at the school. This is what brings glory to God.
Pastor Roy
Donna Bourget · 16 years, 4 months ago
Yesterday, November 11th, my granddaughter and I went to see Madagascar. She wanted popcorn and so we stood in quite a long line for about 20 minutes. She put her loonie on the counter for the lady and asked if that was enough. I added the $5.00 to it and she got her popcorn. Once in the theatre she picked a couple of pieces to eat and then decided she no longer wanted the popcord. There was a young couple sitting beside her with nothing to eat and so Austyn asked if she could give the popcorn to them. We asked and they accepted the full bag of popcorn. She was so pleased and said that she thought they might have been sad because they had nothing to eat at the movie. Not only did it make Austyn happy but my heart was so full and my smile beaming that this 3 year old was concerned about others.

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