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MAC Connection

Posted on Tue, Jun 23, 2020

Weekly Church News

Grad Sunday – this Sunday June 28th we will congratulate & celebrate our 2020 Grads as part of our worship service.


In-person worship services have been going well, as we continue to adjust. This past week we added more seating, while still being able to maintain the distancing.


Youth has Wrapped UP for the summer months. Last Friday there was a great turnout at Cardiff Park for the youth party. Thank you, Thea & Don, for being so adaptable & creative the last several months & keeping the Youth Group active, the youth have enjoyed being engaged & connected.


ARK is now on regular summer break. Big thank you to Tammy Gilley for leading ARK.  The recent door to door delivery of Father’s Day crafts & year end gifts brought many smiles & made the kids in ARK feel special & cared for.


Nursery currently remains closed; we look forward to when Nursery & ARK open again.

Until children’s ministries re-open please feel free to bring coloring or other quiet activities for your children during the service.


Ushers, Greeters & Counters - those of you who have served in these areas pre-COVID-19, we would love to have your help in these ministries when you are ready to return to church services.


Worship Service Videos – recently we have been live streaming Sunday services on Facebook. We are finding the quality of the live stream is not as good as uploading the recorded service to the YouTube channel. There are several factors that affect the live stream – internet signal strength within our building, internet traffic, viewers internet service, etc. So, currently we are discontinuing the live stream. BUT YOU CAN STILL WATCH & PARTICPATE IN THE WORSHIP SERVICE FROM HOME…we will continue to upload the service video to the YouTube channel.


The video will be available on YouTube later Sunday afternoons. The link below will take you directly to the YouTube channel & there you can watch any of the worship service videos.


The Facebook page will remain as an active information platform.


Links to both YouTube & Facebook can always be found on the church website.  On the website there is also the option to listen to the service as a podcast, this can be found under Audio Messages.

   Discussion: MAC Connection

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