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MAC Connection

Posted on Tue, Jun 30, 2020

Weekly Church News

Its been great many of you have been able to attend church over the past few weeks since re-opening. We totally understand for some this is not yet an option, we continue to upload the service video to the YouTube channel. The video will be available on YouTube late on Sunday afternoons. The link below will take you directly to the YouTube channel & where you can watch any of the worship service videos.

Our Facebook page will remain as an active information platform, where we will post information about church events, scripture or links to Christian media or articles.

Links to both YouTube & Facebook can always be found on the church website.  On the website there is also the option to listen to the service as a podcast, this can be found under Audio Messages.

 Masks – AHS has provided places of worship with free masks. We have 1000 masks free for distribution these will be available on Sunday Mornings, but are NOT mandatory in the Worship Service.


While in the Worship Service we ask you to please continue maintaining a minimum of 6-foot distance between yourself & others who are not in your family.  Our church has a strong sense of community & visiting with one another after the service is an important part of this, we encourage socializing outside…pray for sunshine on Sundays to help facilitate this!

ARK is now on regular summer break. Nursery currently remains closed; we look forward to when Nursery & ARK open again.  Until children’s ministries re-open please feel free to bring coloring or other quiet activities for your children during the service. We will have coloring sheets on chairs, please bring your own pencils, crayons, etc.

Ushers, Greeters & Counters - those of you who have served in these areas pre-COVID-19, your help in this ministry will be greatly appreciated when you are ready to return to church services. With the current chair arrangement, having ushers help people find open seats is becoming important. Usher & Greeter sign up schedule is on the Welcome Center.

 Happy Canada Day!

   Discussion: MAC Connection

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