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Youth - LAUNCH PAD!!!

Posted on Wed, Nov 12, 2014

Friday Nov. 14, ** 6:45-10:30pm**

Friday Nov. 14  ****MEET AT THE CHURCH 6:45PM*****

Launchpad Trampolines Park 6:45-10:30p.m. (6142 - 50th Street NW. Edmonton,) 

This facility is trampoline city!  They are everywhere! Cost: $10.00 due Friday Nov. 7.  Meet at the church at 6:45p.m. We will leave at 7:00p.m. and return by 10:30p.m. Wear comfy clothes; bring a water bottle and a snack if you need it. Their jumping surfaces include: Trampoline Dodgeball Courts, Epic Foam Pit Area, Slam Dunk Basketball Courts, Launch Pads, and Massive Freestyle Court.  MUST SIGN LAUNCHPAD WAIVER OR YOU CAN NOT PARTICIPATE THAT NIGHT!!!

   Discussion: Youth - LAUNCH PAD!!!

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